RoboCyberWall aims to Block Linux Server Hacks

RoboCyberwall’s product is designed to protect HTTP and HTTPS ports on Linux servers. According to John R. Martinson Sr., CEO of RoboCyberWall, no hackers have successfully attacked RoboCyberWall-protected servers.

However, there are no firewalls that are designed to protect server’s root directory so hackers know this and they attack via Internet protocol address. RoboCyberWall provides protection for Linux Apache2 or NGINX Web server HTTP and HTTPS ports where attackers’ goal is to get access to these servers by servers’ log files.

Since RoboCyberWall is designed to run on Linux server, it makes the solution to problems easier than packaged solutions. It is also cheaper than firewall appliances. It is focusing on HTTP and HTTPS ports because that is targeted often by attackers.

This can be found from the article:

  • It is easy to install
  • It is inexpensive, $8.95 monthly
  • It prevents exploits
  • It results in no downtime

RoboCyberWall’s niche target is protecting Web applications, since most websites are hosted on Linux servers where it is targeted often by hackers to attack.

– Roarke Murray